Hi, I'm Beau and I don't know what I'm doing.
I took one JAVA course in college and customized a tumblr theme once, so be patient as I try to learn what the hell I'm doing.
I'm following a beginners tutorial as we speak to write all of this out
I love you! Have a good day :>
If you wanna go somewhere functional, check out my Twitter
Warning: 18+
I'm and adult and its an adult twitter page. You've been warned!
I'm not responsible for the cock you may see.
Ok let's get down to brass tacks here. I'm slowly learning the basics and I think I have a decent understanding of the majority of HTML and CSS, enough to be able to understand something I didn;t make. I've gathered a few sites that I like and I'm going to be studying just how they did what they did. And I'll put down a list of the kind of stuff I'd like to eventually include here.
- Homepage
- Blog/Updates
- About(Own page maybe?)
- Other Socials
- Friends! When they get their own site that is
- OC Hub
- Fursona
- Other OCs
- Art Gallery
- Just some personal favs
- Maybe as an archive of sorts?
- Hobby Hub
- Biology
- Vulture Culture
- Cooking
- Adult Area
- Adult Art
- Adult Information about OCs
- Commissions/Shop/etc?
- Commission Info
- Links to Shops (if/when I open them)
I'm excited to get into this! I haven't felt this comfortable on the internet in a long time, its so familiar in the best ways to when I was younger. Less pressure to conform to the
status quo of places like Twitter cuz... I don't think there IS one here LMAO. No longer will I have to worry about the nsfw bans and the weird bad bullshit I keep having forced towards
my eyed balls on the daily. My house now!
Also hi maggotsoup!! If you see this!! Thank you for the warm welcome, I'd reply to you directly but I don't think I'm allowed to yet since my account is less than 24 hours old at the
time of typing this :>
UPDATE 7/6/2023
Wow ok, its been awhile since I first made this site, and so much has happened that I havent had the time to work on this in any way. Things are starting to settle down now, so I'd
really like to start picking away at this again, especially since some Certain Social Medias are doing stupid shit. For now, here's some updates!
I graduted from college with a Bachelor's in biology. Getting to this point was a pain, between family fights, loss of financial support, and a semester of being dropped out, it hardly
even felt good to have gotten to that point. HOWEVER, I do like seeing the degree framed on my shelf, and after some severe depression and burnout that hit the following weeks, I feel
a bit proud.
And, I suppose it's also good because it lead me to get my first full-time job! I really couldn't have asked for a better job straight out of school. Fully benefited work for a non-profit
where I get to sit at a desk and see peoples cute pets all day. It's only been about a month of working here at the time of writing this, but man is it good so far. Now having this kind
of experience, I have a lot of thoughts I want to get down about different kinds of work. I've done an array of different job types and I feel like the insight I have about it could be
an interesting or helpful read for people.
Having this job be able to cover all of mine and my wife's basic expenses has opened up a lot of new horizons for us I think. I have a lot of new hobbies I'm wanting to try once we have
a decent savings built up. My wife is also looking to get her first ever formal job. He has worked really hard to overcome a lot of personal stuff and is now ready to branch out more and
I'm really really proud of her for that. We have a good foundation to make our lives better going forward and that concept really really excites me. Life has been miserable for the past
3-4 years, and now it's FINALLY getting better. We had to wait so long for this shit to start getting better and now it's finally begun and I feel like I can really breathe for the first
time in a LONG time.
With all of this positive change happening, I'm really wanting to turn this site into a home, alongside making my life finally feel right. Lots of good things to come :)
I suppose thats it for now! I have a few hours before I have to sleep to tinker around a bit and see what I can make a bit nicer. It's a but daunting but hey at least it can be fun. Oh,
here's something I can add. I made this guy when I first started here but I forgot to add him here. I love him a lot I just really wanna show him off.

UPDATE 8/2/2023
I suppose things can never be good for long. It's only been a month and so much has changed again, and only in a few days. I really just am using this to vent a bit at this point. Let's get
into it, shall we?
July is my birth month, I turned 24 this year. I've never been one much for birthdays, but I thought since I finally had the cash, I'd try to make it special for myself. I've been very into
fish keepting and aquariums in recent years, so I wanted to take an old tank that I had and get it all decked out. Stupidly, I tried to cram it all into one day, became careless, and what
could have been a tank setup that took an hour if I had put in more planning became a several hour debaucle. It left me stressed, hungry, and miserable and was easily one of the worst
birthdays I've probably ever had.
Next, we move onto The Dog. My wife has always wanted a dog, and earlier this summer we agreed to getting one around this time. I work at an animal shelter, and the perfect little guy showed up and stole my heart. I thought it was a sign and I got started with the adoption process as soon as I was able once my wife agreed. Within a few days we took him home and were very excited. Up until that night. We spent the whole night crying and regretting and freaking out. The next day was worse. I had to come to terms with a lot of things about myself that played into this whole situation going down as it did. The situation deteriorated everything from mental health to security within my relationship with my wife and it was all my fault.
All of this stress what then made worse my monsoonal rains that flooded the front room of my apartment leaving us even more distraught than before. Currently, there is an industrial fan poked under the corner of the carpet thats there to dry up the remaining rainwater. Thank god it should be fine by tomorrow morning.
This still leaves us with this dog though. He really is the most perfect and precious thing, but my wife and I really were not prepared to make this kind of change. I thought we we're and I unintentionally forced us into this situation and it has cause a lot of stress. We're conflicted on bringing him back because we love him. He is so ideal, but we are not. Our apartment is small, we have no yard, and we have no other dogs for him to play with except when we take him on walks. It's frustrating and it's especially taking a toll on my wife, which is in turn taking a toll on me. We both feel so guilty for so many reasons and I wish we could go back to where we we're prior.
All of this is to say it's gonna be a long time before I'm free. The flood gave me good reason to take a much needed break from commissions, and the dog has taught me a lot about myself, mostly for the better. But god does it suck to have happened this way. I'm so tired and I wan't so desperately to just be in a state of comfortable normal.
Hopefully the next update you see from me will come bearing good news.